Government Project Management: Automation vs Paper Processes

By replacing paper-based workflows with project management automation, you can simplify complex public projects, save time, and empower your team to do more with less.



Most government agencies are overly dependent on paper. Project management is no exception.


Due to constrained budgets or hesitancy to change, paper-based processes are baked into their workflows. Inspectors may be comfortable using a notebook for field notes. Contract owners are used to paper QVs. Project stakeholders are familiar with email threads. And as tedious as it is, billing staff are used to manual data entry.


However, paper processes have limitations. You’ve seen the consequences firsthand—limited paper trails, miscommunication, staying late to finish a stack of QV sheets, lack of project visibility, and the list goes on. No single issue feels like a gamestopper, but when aggregated over the course of a capital improvement or maintenance project, they lead to project overrun and delays.


With so much at stake, rationale like “this is the way it’s always been” doesn’t cut it. Fortunately, automated workflows can save time and money while simplifying your job and empowering your team. Sound appealing? Keep reading to learn more.

Challenges of Paper-Based Processes

Paper-based workflows often lack structure and standardization. Without a central location for storing project data, information is stored in notebooks, personal apps, Gdrives, desktop folders, and more. It also means that project data can’t be tracked, and reporting is subject to inaccuracies.


Without a standardized process for sharing information, important project data is communicated via email, text, messaging apps, or in person. This leads to miscommunication and prevents real-time communication, meaning information could be obsolete by the time you receive it.


For example, printed documents (blueprints, spreadsheets, etc.) quickly become outdated as project scope evolves. The solution? Manually distributing updated copies to everyone, which delays the dissemination of information and leads to contractors working from outdated plans.

Benefits of Project Management Automation

Project management automation simplifies public projects so your team can accomplish more with less resources and time. Imagine the increased efficiency if your team could focus on project-critical work instead of administrative tasks.


Automated workflows improve project tracking and reporting as well. With real-time data collection and analysis, managers can receive up-to-date insights into project progress, resource allocation, and budget status. This enhanced visibility lets you make data-driven decisions and identify potential issues before they escalate.


Additionally, project management automation supports better communication and collaboration. Automated systems can send updates and notifications to keep all stakeholders informed. This leads to increased alignment, fewer misunderstandings, and more cohesive project execution.


There are automated tools for scheduling, communication, data storage, resource allocation, and budget management. Some project management solutions offer all or a combination of these features. The trick is finding the best one for your agency.


As you continue researching possible solutions, try finding one with the following features and benefits:


●      Centralized platform for storing current and historical project data

●      24/7 access to project data on any device

●      Dashboards for real-time project tracking and data analytics

●      Immediate alerts when inspectors uncover an issue in the field

●      Automated billing that minimizes data entry and prevents double billing

●      Faster invoice processing for more timely payments

●      Ability to maintain and prove compliance to various standards

How to Start Automating Processes

Are you ready to reduce your dependency on paper and eliminate the challenges of paper-based workflows? Project management software can help, but make sure your solution is built for government agencies.


Built for the real-world challenges of public projects, PowerQV provides all the benefits listed above—and more. PowerQV simplifies the most complex and diverse projects for departments across city, county, and state governments. The best part? It’s so easy to use, you can get your agency up and running in less than an hour, regardless of size or technical ability.


Schedule a no-obligation call today to discover how PowerQV can help you and your agency complete projects on time, on budget, and in compliance.
